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Saturday, March 15th, is International Long Covid Awareness Day!

Each year, we come together on this day to represent the millions of people suffering from Long Covid.

This year, we will be uniting to show solidarity with Long Covid Support (UK). Long Covid Support collected pieces of fabric designed to represent Long Covid by the Long Covid community. The fabric pieces are being used to create a banner (by an artist living with Long Covid). The banner will be a collective tapestry representing those living with Long Covid and their caregivers.

Help bring attention to some of the many issues concerning Long Covid:

-Preventions- Masks/tests/clean air/etc.

-Cure Long Covid- Clinical trials/Possible treatments such as: monoclonal antibodies, antivirals, etc. *Must be made equitable and accessible

-Update healthcare education

-Inform the public- COVID is causing cancers/diabetes/organ damage/etc.

-Need for financial assistance/support

-Children with Long Covid

To participate:

-Design a fabric piece that represents Long Covid.

Select any color or type of fabric.

Approximate size:

2.4in x 11.8in or 6cm x 30cm

-Post around 9am EST (globally) to all social media.

Understandably, many will still be sleeping, Don't worry if you can't do the exact time.

Post when you can!

**Post should include:

-Number of days sick (if patient)

-Country (if comfortable sharing)

-Who you are caring for (if caregiver, are you caring for a child, parent, spouse, etc.)

Include all these if you are a patient and caregiver

Allies: We need you! You can help by posting a fabric piece in support.

Please choose from the themes listed above.

-Add a message/make it your own!

Feel free to tag governments, public health, health insurance companies, pharmaceutical companies, healthcare, and anyone who you feel needs to see your post..


Remember to use these hashtags:





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